Member Spotlight - Kaleb Lester & Chris Franklin

This week we have two member spotlights! Both overall winners of The 2024 Club Championship deserve recognition.

Chris Franklin just scored her fourth champion title at the tournament. Holding the win streak may be difficult, but she’s always up for the challenge.

“Playing with the great group of ladies has really helped me with my game,” Franklin said. “We have so many great golfers that play well. We challenge each other and the level of all of our play rises.”

Franklin has been a member since 2007.

“So many of us play in other events in Central Kentucky,” Franklin added. “The challenge of playing tournaments and other courses is a compliment to the play we have at home.”

She said there are always so many members and golfers when they play events around the area, which speaks highly of the club.

Kaleb Lester clinched his third champion title for the Club Championship. He’s been a member for three years now, and continues to improve his skills each time he steps on the course.

“The biggest thing for me as far as game improvement has gone is just trusting and believing in myself and my skill set,” Lester said. “Committing to every shot, and being aggressive to my targets has paid dividends in my success out there.”

While he loves competing, he says the people who surround him are what make it even more special.

“The members are far and away the best part about the Woodford Club. They have been so welcoming of me and my wife Ashley. The camaraderie that we share makes being a member there really special.”

Par 3 Tournament

Par 3 Tournament

The Woodford Club’s Par 3 Tournament was held July 25th and it brought out some great talent to the course.

Our winners included Dave McGohon & John Perkins with a low gross of 47. Our other two winners with a low net of 41 were Gary Gillis & Terry Wanless.