Member Spotlight - Marsha Stark

It’s time to shoutout one of our amazing members, Marsha Stark! We’re sure you’ve seen her out and about at The Woodford Club. Whether it’s volunteering at an event or playing a round of golf with her friends, her energy is always the best!

Stark became a member at “Woodford Hills” 40 years ago when she moved from Indiana! Over her time here, she said she’s created many great memories. Most of her time spent on the golf course is with members of the Ladies Association members, but Stark wasn’t always a golfer.

“Moving here from another state, we were strangers, but spending time at the club soon gave us lots of friends. I was actually a tennis player the first number of years here at the club, so when I moved on to the golf course my skills were pretty shaky,” Stark said. “As time went on my game improved, but now that a lot of time has gone on, again, my game is back to being shaky.”

She said she has more amazing memories than she can even list. She recalled when she first moved to Kentucky, when her family’s house wasn’t built yet. Her children “pretty much lived” at the club, which in turn allowed her to meet so many new amazing people. They played tennis on Friday nights and had a great group of people to spend time with.

“We were very involved with the twilight play, stayed for dinner and looked forward to more time at the club on the weekend,” Stark said. “One of my favorite times was being involved in the creation of our “first” Colonel Bogey.  He was a very dapper looking golfer. Over many years, myself and a couple other friends, gave the Colonel an annual facelift and cleanup.  It’s amazing what beauty can come from a storm broken tree.”

She recalled more memories at the Oh, Susannah!

“The Oh, Susannah, lead by Pat Smejkal, has been enjoyed by hundreds of women over the years, so more good memories there too,” she said.

While there were many happy years, Stark remembers the nerves that kicked in when they weren’t sure if they would be able to keep playing golf.

“Then we were blessed with Chet and Randy.  We became The Woodford Club, and again it is my happy place,” Stark said. “Of course, let’s not forget David, the sunshine of our lives.  We have seen so many new and exciting things happen in the last few years.  We have a beautiful golf course, a wonderful staff and restaurant.”

She complimented the Woodford Legends Invitational, and remembered the fun and excitement of the tournament. When she thinks of The Woodford Club, she thinks of family.

“The club was always where we spent time with family and friends, and now that my family has moved on to make their own wonderful memories, we still have our ‘club family’ and we will continue to make more happy memories.” Stark said.

We’re so happy Marsha is a part of The Woodford Club family. Your high spirits and positive attitude shine across the course. If you see Marsha out on the golf course, be sure to say hello!

Thank you - Oh! Susannah 2024

Like always, Oh! Susannah was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who participated in the 46th Annual Oh! Susannah.

We had several winners from the big day. Congratulations to our low gross winners!:

Championship Flight - Chris Franklin
1st Flight - Audrey Butler
2nd Flight - Sandi Morgan 
3rd Flight - Shanny Spalding

Congratulations to our low net winners!:

Championship Flight - Linda Neikirk
1st Flight - Carmie Sucher
2nd Flight - Darby Hunter
3rd Flight - Tricia Brumley

Pat Smejkal Award - Tricia Brumley

The Oh! Susannah is a memorable day for many women across the region. Pat Smejkal has worked tirelessly year after year to make it a huge success. The excitement could be felt across The Woodford Club leading up to the big day. Just like other golfers, Pat Smejkal Award winner, Tricia Brumley was looking forward to stepping onto the course.

This was Tricia Brumley’s first tournament here at The Woodford Club. She started golfing in May of this year and said she quickly began to love the game. Brumley and her husband joined as members this June, and she’s already proven to be a force to be reckoned with!

“During my time at Woodford Club I have not only gained golf skills, but also confidence in myself as a newbie due to the encouraging nature of the pros, the staff and other club members,” Brumley said. “Taking lessons from Trevor Thompson has been a gift and has helped my fundamentals immensely. I also love the social aspect of the club, and the ladies especially have welcomed me and encouraged me as a young golfer and a new club member.”

With the help of her fellow golfers and friends, her tournament debut was memorable. She said she was lucky enough to play in a group with the tournament’s organizer, Pat Smejkal.

“Playing with Pat was a gift because she reminded me that everyone was a beginner once,” Brumley said. “Her calming presence helped my nervousness during my first tournament.”

Her group also included two ladies from Cincinnati, Lois Ross and Gayle Herrmann. The Oh! Susannah continues to bring out golfers from all over the region, making the competition fun and challenging.

While there was so many fun things at the tournament including prizes and wine stations, Brumley’s favorite part of the tournament was seeing all of the women encourage one another and socialize with everyone.

“I’m an extrovert so meeting new people is always enjoyable, especially because we all share the love of this game,” she said.

Although the tournament just passed, we’re already looking forward to next year! The competition will be just as good and the participants will be just as fun.

“I absolutely would participate in the Oh! Susannah again and look forward to playing next year,” Brumley said. “I’m excited to see how my golf game will evolve and hopefully improve over the next year, possibly putting me in a different flight or even just allowing me to improve my gross and net score.”

For now, Brumley will continue to proudly display her “Oh! Susannah 2024 Pat Smejkal Award” for the lowest net score of the tournament, in her home!

PGA Junior League Regional Qualifier at TWC

It was an eventful weekend at The Woodford Club. Some of the best PGA Junior golfers stepped out onto our course to compete in the PGA Junior League Regional Qualifier.

At The Woodford Club, PGA Certified Professional, Bob Baldassari has already created a growing program with the youth here in central Kentucky. The growth and success from the The Woodford Club’s PGA Junior League teams is a part of what helped get the event here.

“I reached out to my former colleagues running PGA Jr. League and expressed my strong desire to have TWC be included for a future regional qualifying site, but I thought that might take a couple years,” Baldassari said.  

He said the program already in place here put The Woodford Club on the right track for consideration for the prestigious regional event, which only a handful of clubs across the country have the honor of hosting.

“Our golf course layout and playability are a perfect fit for this type of golf event, plus the member and staff culture of TWC embracing youth golf events made the decision to bring the PGA Jr. League Regional Qualifier here an overwhelming success,” he said.

Baldassari helped create the national youth golf program over the years while he worked for PGA of America.

“When I was Director of Youth Golf Development for PGA of America, I was tasked with a major national initiative by then CEO Joe Steranka:  Create a "Little League of baseball for golf."  The initial couple of years for getting this program up and running with PGA Professional support was some heavy lifting,” Baldassari said. "A lot of people and PGA Pros didn't understand the reach and seismic shift in growing youth golf that this team golf format brought to the game and business of golf.”

Although a lot has changed over the years, and he’s seen more growth in the sport, it’s still a full circle moment to see a tournament like this here at The Woodford Club. After helping get the program up and running, he described the moment as surreal.

“We started in 2011 with less than 100 kids, and now there are over 70,000 kids playing PGA Jr. League! It feels great to have played a part in developing a multi-generational national program, and directly growing this youth golf program that has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of kids and parents.”

As incredible as it is to see such a successful tournament right on our own greens, Balassari said it’s seeing these children improve throughout their golfing career that makes it so special.

“What continues to impress me about PGA Jr. League is really the same things that I witnessed when we started this program:  The joy of playing "team" golf for the kids, the mentoring you see between the older kids with the younger or smaller kids, and the emotions of the parents as their kids embrace the game of golf and make lifelong friends.”

Member Spotlight - Craig Rush

Craig Rush and his wife, Barb Rush supporting their son Corey who works for EKU Athletics.

Craig Rush and his family have been around The Woodford Club since 2000. They would’ve been here a year sooner too, if it weren’t for the infamous waitlist. Nevertheless, they found their way here and continue to enjoy every minute of it!

Originally from a small town in Northern New York called Massena, Rush had an exciting journey to get him where he is today.

“It was kind of by accident,” Rush said. “I applied to graduate school after doing a four year degree, and ultimately ended up at the University of Vermont, where I finished a PhD and got trained in behavioral pharmacology.”

From there, he worked at The University of Mississippi Medical Center for five years, before a series of “happy accidents” led him to The University of Kentucky.

“I had been offered a great job at the University of Texas in San Antonio for a lot more money than I was going to make here at Kentucky, but friend of mine convinced me to come up and interview and give a talk,” Rush said. “You know, the normal dog and pony show. The campus of The University of Kentucky reminded me of the campus of The University of Vermont, which Barb and I both loved.”

For most of his career, he said he’s been researching and working to identify new and better interventions for stimulant abuse like methamphetamine and cocaine.

While his job has taken him to many places and required a lot of hard work and dedication, Rush and his family always made time for the golf course. His children played there in school, and he felt it was important to continue to support the club over the years.

“My son, Corey became really, really good, and so I got many favorite memories out there with him, because we played a lot,” Rush said. “Corey worked at the golf course a few years when he was in high school cleaning off the carts.”

While he wasn’t able to participate this year, Rush said his favorite event the club holds is The Woodford Cup. He can recall memories of past years, playing with all his friends.

“The way I describe our membership, or have described it over the years, is it's our recreation, it's our exercise and socializing.” Rush said.

Rush plays with what they call the “Burke Group” and he’s been playing with them for a long time.

“It's just a great bunch of guys to play golf with, and there's kind of this group of women who play a little bit in front of us on the weekends,” Rush said. “And my wife is now a part of that women's group. So, yeah, we got a ton of friends out there…we kid when we're done playing golf that, you know, 80% of the fun is sitting around having a beer.”

It’s been a fun journey for Rush and his family. Coming to Kentucky in 1999, moving to Versailles, and becoming a member at The Woodford Club has awarded them friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime.

“It was just one of those accidents, that was a good accident.” Rush said.

We appreciate Craig Rush and his whole family for continuing to make an impact here at The Woodford Club!