Weekly Golf Recap

It’s always busy here at The Woodford Club!

With the Fourth of July celebrations on and off the golf course this past week, the course was filled with smiling members and American flags! The Red, White and Blue Shamble was a hit! Families and friends came out early on the holiday weekend and played in the tournament. Congratulations to our winners!

We recently hosted Kentucky PGA Junior Tour events out on the golf course. We welcomed dozens of players from all across the state to compete in the tournaments.

The scramble event paired one pro with three junior players. The event included some of our own great golfers, like PGA Certified Professional Bob Baldassari. The players who took home the hardware were Corey Stith, Rylan Jones, Jase Cook, & Jackson Mayes. Congratulations!

Next, the Junior Classic event included some fierce competition. With players from all different age brackets, both the boys and girls challenged one another. With several winners in different brackets, it was a great tournament! For the results you can visit: https://www.golfgenius.com/pages/10230862032110894984