Member Spotlight - Rock Vance

This week’s member spotlight highlights a special member of our club, who has been here for nearly 40 years.

Rock Vance has a storied history at The Woodford Club. Growing up in Lexington, he married his wife Teresa and moved to Versailles.

“We came out to check out the club, and Wilbur Moffett told us to go play a round of golf and see how you like it,” Vance said. “We joined shortly after and kept our membership since.”

Vance started his career working with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government in 1974, working as a Police Dispatcher, then a Fire Dispatcher. After being around some of the Lexington Firefighters, he decided to take the test to become a firefighter in 1982.

While he’s worked on two different engine companies, he spent most of his career there, riding the ambulance as a paramedic. Working as a paramedic isn’t an easy job, and Vance knows that first hand.

“One of the basics of pre-hospital care is: what is the worst that I can possibly be looking at? Then work your way back to what you really have,” Vance said. “For instance, if someone tells you they have chest pain, you start by assuming it's a M.I. (heart attack) then work to confirm that, or is it just a chest pain from coughing - like a flu.”

Even though he retired from the Fire Department in 2002, he still has the mind of a paramedic.

“Unfortunately, I still see life that way. What's the worst this can be, then working my way back to whatever simple issue life has presented.” Vance said.

After he retired, he was recruited to teach Thermal Imaging, and has had multiple jobs since, as he said he struggles to officially retire.

With a background like his, the golf course brings a lot of fun energy and good memories. That’s why, after nearly 40 years, he still comes to the course to play a round with his friends and family.

“I enjoy the sport. I enjoy the people I play with, and the golf course is close,” Vance said. “I think everyone enjoys a big drive, but I really enjoy hitting a high, arching shot that ends up close to the hole.”

When it comes to his favorite memory at The Woodford Club, it doesn’t include the green. Instead, it includes his family.

“Sitting in the baby pool,” Vance recalled the memory. “With my kids who are now 35, 32 & 32. Yep, twins!”

You’re bound to see the Vance family at The Woodford Club either grabbing some dinner, playing trivia, or playing a round of golf out on the course.

We appreciate your loyalty and your service!